New Micro BioCellulare series by GUAM: everything for your face. Be ready for GUAM's style!

GUAM. What is this? Earlier I thought that this is just good and expensive Italian cosmetics. Gorgeous and effective of course but no more. Just cosmetics. Only recently I understood this brand is not so simple. GUAM is a part of life. This is a unique Italian charm. And today I want to tell you about one chic event in which I took part a few days ago. It was a presentation of new series Micro BioCellulare by GUAM which took place on Intercharm-2016 in Kiev.
So what is GUAM? Firstly this is perfect reason for meeting amazing people. If you know how marvelous the GUAM’s team in Kiev is you can understand me! If you don’t know go to the GUAM’s boutique immediately!! It will be the best experience!
By the way there was not only all GUAM’s team from Kiev on Intercharm. There was also Stefano Dalbuono, pharmacy department sales manager in LACOTE! And meeting with him was absolutely perfect!
Stefano and beautiful cosmetoligist of GUAM Helena tell us about Micro BioCellulare series
Stefano told the bloggers all secrets of new series Micro BioCellulare by GUAM! You know the series Microcellulare (you could even use a few products from it) but now is the time to upgrade it. In new series we get 18 (eighteen, EIGHTEEN!!!!!) products for a face. All of them are irreplaceable. The name of the series has got an important part – “Bio”. It means that all products were made only on base of natural ingredients.
Working with this series GUAM has chosen its new method of getting the seaweeds extract. The company used ensymes which helped to get this extract by natural way. That’s why all products which are based on this extract have got four times greater antioxidant effect than it was in Microcellulare series. GUAM emphasizes this fact on each box with a product – there is a small graph which demonstrates a level of antioxidant activity of the cosmetics on each package. GUAM is only one company which does this. In a future this symbol will be on each package of each product. And of course all extract will be upgraded.
The main ingredient of all products from Micro BioCellulare series – a seaweeds extract GUAM BioActivity. This is very powerful complex which makes the skin perfect after the first using of cosmetics. This is my favorite property of GUAM products: all of them start to work immediately, you don’t need to wait for the effect!
What has got the series Micro BioCellulare? There are all products which we need for our face and I think this is very good reason to make the whole collection of the skincare products by one brand. GUAM is one of the best choice for this, isn’t it?
So the brand made for us:
- a few cleansing products (this is an absolute novelty by GUAM which hasn’t had got this kind of cosmetics yet),
- products for toning the skin,
- facial creams with lifting effect,
- serums with lifting effect,
- cream against wrinkles,
- exfoliating masks,
- cream for lips contour,
- eye cream.
All of them are micro bioactive. And also GUAM has got now different products for different skin types. Earlier there was only universe cosmetics which was suitable for all skin types.
What I want to try? Everything!! I have got now some testers and I’ll choose some products which I’ll buy in full size. Of course I’ll tell you about all of them!
And I want to try not only Micro BioCtllulare series! My dream now is perfume by GUAM. Yes, this is one more novelty and I especially want one of them - Alyssa. This is a miracle and I really wait for it in Ukraine. It would be the best gift for my birthday but I think it won't be available here so soon...
Oh, yes! All perfumes are naturals. Can you imagine this??!! And all of them are very long lasting (I know because I have checked!).
so touching Stefano's tab which was "injured"!
So what do you want to try? May be something special? Well… GUAM has got only special products ever so may be you also want to have got everything? Tell me please!
GUAM + bloggers = love
*Information about all products from Micro BioCellulare series is available on GUAM's web-site. You will be able to buy all new products on the online-shop of the brand very soon.