Dietary supplements by GUAM: your perfect life! How to use the supplements right and have got only benefit?

Health has got lots of faces. One of them is cosmetics by GUAM. The other one are dietary supplements by GUAM. Some of them have been available in Ukraine since this spring and the company presented a new series for Ukrainian customers in December. It was an opening a new GUAM shop in Kiev so now we can buy all supplements in one of two places. What can we buy? How to use it healthily? This is a topic of my today review!
Find me! Photo by GUAM
I wrote about the first part of dietary supplements by GUAM earlier (here) and today I want to tell you about the second one – a few supplements which were delivered in Ukraine only recently. These are:
You know this magic thing! Omega-3 here is an oil which was extracted from the micro-seaweed Schizochytrium sp.
311 mg of OMEGA-3 contain of 255 mg EPA and DHA (the active ingredients of fatty acid). This dietary supplement normalizes the heart and visual functions, helps to activate the work of the brain.
The OMEGA-3 is the best choice for people older 50 years. But you also can use it as a prevention even in younger age.
Details about this supplement you can find here.
2. The supplement for special dietary use KLAMATH
It was made on base of micro-seaweeds Klamath which contains lots of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. The supplement normalizes work of nervous system, stimulates immunity and… improves your mood! It’s a perfect idea for winter, I think!
Details are here.
3. The supplement for special dietary use GLUCO-CALO
This invention is irreplaceable if you try to lose weight! The supplement can be use as a helper in this process because Gluco-Calo normalizes metabolism and can be used even if a person have got a diabetes or pre-diabetes.
Details are here.
4. The supplement for special dietary use OMOTAURINA
The amino acid Omotaurina is the base of the supplement. It helps to improve an attention and memory, so you should use it in periods of physical and mental fatigue.
Details are here.
5. The supplement for special dietary use SNELLINPHYLLUM
It was made on a base of seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum and this supplement is important if you suffer from the iodine deficiency or problems with thyroid. Also it can help with memory disorders, brittle nails and hair, acne.
Details are here.
6. The supplement for special dietary use GUAM UPKer Integratore Alimentare Capelli
This one speaks for itself! It accelerates the hair growth. Also it can help with brittle nails and hair and with acne.
Details are here.
How to use the supplements?
I know that most people are afraid of them and even I relate to the supplements with caution. I think they can be healthy and helpful but also can be harmful if I use them wrong. Of course I trust GUAM but if I decide to try one of its dietary supplements I ‘ll ask my doctor about it. GUAM says that its supplements have got very important advantages:
- they contain only botanicals,
- there are lots of vitamins in their compositions,
- all od them were made by professional doctors, after 30 years of researches.
So I can say that these products are not harmful. But of course we can have got an idiosyncrasy of different ingredients.
A nutritionist...
...and a beautician of GUAM
Also I want to notice that all dietary supplements are not panacea. I’m against of all diets. But I’m pro the healthy lifestyle, sport, healthy food, lots of water every day and normal mode of eating. And when you practice all these thing the supplements will be the best helpers! So I’m just choosing my own GUAM product which I want to try this winter – as preparing to the next summer. And of course I’ll tell you everything about my experience!
Do you like the dietary supplements? Do you use them? Have you tried something by GUAM? Which novelty do you use to try?
*You can buy all supplements in GUAM online shop or it two shops of the brand in Kiev. The new one was opened in Lavina Mall.