L’Erbolario – Italian brand, which is need your attention… or not? Reviews of two products

I like using Italian cosmetics, so L’Erbolario has been a good surprise. I got two products in the last Watsons box – a personal hygiene cleanser with Island moss and ribwort leaves and a hand cream with lemon. Both are good, of course, but both have got their own “BUT”. Should you try them or not? Let’s discuss.
Personal hygiene cleanser with Island moss and ribwort leaves
This is the product for intimate hygiene with unusual composition and in unusual shape. A jar is very small, not like a usual jars for intimate gels. There is small quantity of gel gut the product is worthy of attention/
The cleanser:
- Has got a VERY tender and delicate consistency – feeling of the skin after it is incredibly pleasant;
- Works perfectly – ideal purity of intimate zones;
- Refreshes and deodorizes the skin – it is very fresh after cleansing;
- Has got super-pleasant aroma – it is a little bit medical, but I like it: it seems I use some therapeutic product.
The cleanser gives very good and very tender foam. It is so light… Using it is enjoyment and I'd like doing it...
Unfortunately there is a “BUT”. Even two ones:
- The jar is INCREDUBLY inconvenient. There is no portioner, so I need to take the jar in two hands, if I want to get a product. This is absolutely irritating during taking a shower – when I take a shower in one hand.
- The product is not economical. Even if I’m very accurate, I always get TOO MUCH cleanser. May be, this is no problem, but I’m a minimalist.
Will I buy L’Erbolario cleanser again?
Maybe yes, but I think, it is good only for long trip. If you need a small jar with a high-quality intimate product, which never provoke irritations, this is the best choice.
L’Erbolario hand cream with lemon
If there were only cosmetics with citrus extracts in the world, it would have been enough for me. I absolutely love citrus aroma, citrus ingredients, even citrus themes in cosmetics. So this cream is mine on 100%.
- It is light. I hate oily hand creams and this one is just chic. Especially for summer.
- It has got a pleasant fragrance. Fresh, tender, but a little bit artificial… well, when this is a citrus, it is normal.
- It makes the skin smooth, but don’t overfeed it – hands are tender and not oily after putting the product.
Usually in summer I use hand cream only twice per a day – in the morning and before go to bed. But this one is so pleasant! That’s why I have started to put it more often – after each washing hands. This is chic idea, I had an eczema previous summer (because of hard water) and due to this cream my hands now are in order!
As the intimate cleanser this cream is not economical. I don’t know, why, but when I use this tube, it gives me really A LOT of product. I start to be accurate, but very often this is in vain. My hands are “washed” in cream and this is not normal. Of course, the skin doesn’t suffer from it, it is moisturized well and looks well-maintained, but the feeling of extra cream on it is unpleasant.
Will I buy this hand cream again?
I don't now actually. The product has got my fav aroma, but I don't like its effect - when the skin is overload. And there is a Glycerin in a composition - this ingredient can overdry my skin.
My resume
L’Erbolario for me is very lavish brand. This is good, I like abundance in all its manifestations. But I’m a minimalist and I like using products long time, when they are spending slowly. L’Erbolario is not the case. So maybe I’d look for other cosmetics of the brand, which have got more accurate portioners. I think, the quality of L’Erbolario products is REALLY high, so I want to continue our acquaintance.
I’m so happy, that this Italian bran is now in Watsons. This is vegan brand, its cosmetics haven’t been tasted on animals, so for me this is very good finding.
Do you know about L’Erbolario? Have you tried something interesting?
*L’Erbolario products were given for independent testing in Watsons spring beauty-box. You can find them in your Watsons!