The OMI Brotherhood is in Ukraine now! A new brand in Agent-Parfumer!

Ukrainian shop of cosmetics and niche parfumery Agent-Parfumer has started to sell a new Japanese brand - The OMI Brotherhood which is so populare in its native country. Now it is available for Ukrainian fans of Japan and Agent-Parfumer has got an exclusive offering for them. Today I with a few other beautyblogers saw all series The OMI Brotherhood which is available in the shop and I can say that it is real richness! Now all cool skincare products from Japan are available in Ukraine!
The OMI Brotherhood was founded in the beginning of the XX sentury. This is unique brand because it has been the first one which decided to use farmacutical formulas in the skincare products. And now the brand has got the whole collection of cosmetics for all body - from the heels to the lips. All of them are unique items which work on the edge of medicine and cosmetics.
Now The OMI Brotherhood is the part of Top-5 of the best Japanese brands and this is not by chance. The main idea of the brand is that beauty is unthinkable without health. And if you want to have got a beautiful skin you shold make it healthy. The products by The OMI Brotherhood can help in it.
All products which I tested today were really interesting. They have got unusual formulas which are very powerful and very light. Only one cream have got quite a thick texture, the most of them offers only gel textures and very quick absorbing.
There are a Mentrum ointment which works as a cool recovering balm for the skin, Mentrum super-moisturizing lipstick for saving of color of the lips, the sun UV products in the collection of Agent-Parfumer... Of course this is not all - there are many other products, different creams for a face and a body and I hope that I'll try a few items from different series. I'll tell you about all of them!
The OMI Brotherhood has got cosmetics not only for woman. There are the products for men and children and for instance men's lip balm has got even cooler composition that the woman's one!
What I like the most? The fact that Japanese producers teach us to use all products in one system. For beautybloggers this is the most inportant! It means that you shouldn't use everything in one moment or just change the products permanently. You have to choose one perfect for you line of skincare cosmetics and use it quite a long time (of course if it is suitable for you ideally!) in order to get a good effect. And now I think that I need to stop use lots of different items in one time. May be I'll take a break and choose a single series which will be the best for my skin.
Beautybloggers are listening to the important facts about cosmetics attentively!
And of course Agent-Parfumer (which is the shop of the niche parfumery, I have to remind this fact!) has got a new aromas. They are also Japanese and they are really chic.
These are perfumes by Byredo - Super Cedar (very tart but very pleasant aroma) and Rose of no man's land (a little bit sweet and floral fragrance). Both of them are worthy of attention but the Super Cedar is my fave but Rose of no man's land has got more interesting history. This perfume has been dedicated to nurses worked during a war on the territories that didn't belong to some country and helped ALL soldiers. ALL means that they treated friends and foes... And this is an example of real heroism for me.
And now I'll just show you a small part of the chic atmosphere in Agent-Parfumer! It was really cozy evening! A Japanese tea, a small collection of tasty nuts and dried fruits (which I ate a lot!) and so beautiful girls from this shop - what could be better for the cool beauty evening? Nothing!
I think I should be more attentive for a Japanese cosmetics. It is the whole world and I need to know more about it. So... may be I'll start today with the products which I have got in my collection due to Agent-Parfumer.
And what do you think about the skincare products from Japan? Have you used something yet? What do you want to try?
*Thanks to Agent-Parfumer for the cool presentation!