Review: The antiperspirant “Morning freshness” and the shower paste “Grape cocktail” by Mladna. Be clean!

There are only one cosmetics category, which is necessary for everyone. It’s everything for hygiene. Shower gels, shampoos, body milks, deodorants… Things, which help us to be clean. All of them are worthy on attention but I think I don’t want to write only about typical products. Let’s try something unusual and original?! How about a shower paste for instance? Today we will talk about it and about one other product for a body. Both are by Ukrainian brand Mladna. Both are not banal. These are a natural antiperspirant “Morning freshness” and the shower paste “Grape cocktail”. Go!
The antiperspirant “Morning freshness”: for morning
All of us see LOTS of antiperspirants. So why you should buy this one instead the usual popular products? Because:
- It is natural - there are lots of different hydrolates and essential oils in the composition,
- It gives very light and tender aroma – you feel it maximum a half of an hour, and then there is no any smell,
- It is effective – no smell means that you don’t feel anything – the aroma of the antiperspirant and the smell of sweat.
Are there some disadvantages?
I couldn’t find something significant.
I need only to say that the product by Mladna should be re-applied if you want to wear it every day. Usually I apply it in the morning and I feel how the antiperspirant becomes less effective in a middle of a day. So I use it again. One click on the spray gun is enough for good effect.
Also I need to notice that the product is liquid. It has got a shape of a spray so if you like dry antiperspirants more than the liquid ones you will need to get used for this product by Mladna.
But these points aren’t problems for me. I have got used for a liquid shape very quickly and reapplication for me isn’t so hard. I haven’t got very intensive sweating.
The shower paste “Grape cocktail”: for evening
Of course you can use this product in the morning also but in the evening it will be more pleasant. The paste is very special. It isn’t similar with everything you have used so far! The product have got a thick texture, I can even say that it is quite dense and hard – like a frozen jelly.
All secrets of shower paste by Mladna
- You need very small portion for your body,
- You will use the paste by hand – all wisps are useless, the paste can be spread over the skin only with your palms,
- You should apply the paste on the wet skin – it will be easier.
Yes, it requires to getting used for the specificity of the product. But the effect is worthy it!
How does the paste “Grape cocktail” work?
Originally! The product:
- Refreshes the skin but never gives you too much energy – you won’t be very active after your calming evening taking a shower!
- Make the skin soft and well amoisturized – if you are lazy, you can not use the body cream after the paste by Mladna, it’s absolutely possible.
- Gives the skin a very tender aroma (maybe of grape? It is something unusual but fresh and pleasant) – the fragrance will disappear quickly, you won’t suffer from it all night!
But there are some disadvantages so be ready for them!
As I have said the paste “Grape cocktail” has got a quite hard texture but there is no spoon for the product in the original jar. So if you don’t want to rake the product out with your nails, look for a special spoon (I have got a very small and plastic one so I can leave the spoon in the jar forever).
The skin never suffer from the paste (it doesn’t give any irritation). But the mucous membrane doesn’t like this freshness. I can’t say that it will be burned but you may don’t like some unpleasant feeling so never use the paste “Grape cocktail” as an intimate gel!
And just be careful with the portion of product which you take for using. This small piece is incredibly slippery! You can drop it again and again, it can run in the sink very quickly so you need to be alert with it.
For me these problems are no problems. I can understand the product very quickly and now I’m using it with a pleasure. And despite some aspects I can recommend it because this is very interesting offer by Mladna. Are you agree?
Have you already tried these two products? Do you know other cosmetics by Mladna?
The antiperspirant "Morning freshness" and the shower paste "Grape coctail" were was given by Mladna for independent testing. You can buy it on the web-site of the brand.
Price of the antiperspirant - 116 UAH ($4,5).
Price of the shower paste - 77 UAH ($3).