Review: Black Beldi The traditions of hammam by Chistotel. Ideal cleansing!

Unusual cleansing cosmetics is always a very interesting finding. So I couldn't pass by a beldi - an original soft soap which has got a very long history and is considered the most effective cleansing product ever. I have tried one beldi yet - the beldi Rose The traditions of hammam by Ukrainian brand ChistoTel. And a month ago this brand sent me its novelty - one more beldi (the Black beldi The traditions of hammam). Of course I have tried it with a pleasure. Is it effective? Read please my today review!
Beldi is really just a soap. Very soft, yes, but dor me it has got the same effect - it can clean the skin very deeply and sometimes even overdries it. Using this product you will be sure: your skin is perfect, there aren't any spots of daily make up or other dirtyness. But you need to moisturise your face very well because after the procedure of cleansing the skin can be very dry. This is my case and when I use the Black beldi by ChistoTel I remember this rule. One time I had got even a small irritation on the face - a few overdry zones on cheecks. So after the procedure of cleansing I always use a facial cream. As quick as possible.
Well, the Black beldi by ChistoTel is softer than the Rose one. It has got thicker consistency and there is an olive oil in its composition. So this product dries the skin less than other ones from this type.
The whole composition: olive oil, eucalyptus extract, laurel extract, crushed leaves of laurel and eucalyptus.
It is very natural! So good decision for a cleansing product!
Due to the composition I use the beldi don't being affraid of some damage for the skin. I mean that the beldi can't provoce some inflammations of acne (except the dryness which I have told you about). No acne but I have noticed that if I use the Black beldi every day my skin can react with a few closed comedones which disspear when I take a breack with this product. So I try to take a breack very often. If I use the product only time to time there are no problems on the skin.
I need very small dose for one procedure of using. I just touch the beldi and its spot on my finger is enough for me. So the jar with 120 ml of volume is almost eternal! The product hasn't got any fragrance. Well, it is in a jar but it isn't expressive on the skin.
Usually I use this product only when I have got a very bright and heavy make up. For instance after a big party. In these cases my skin needs very deep cleansing and the beldi gives it to me. In other days when the make up is just nude I keep my beldi by ChistoTel in a fridge.
What can the Black beldi by ChistoTel do? It cleans the skin very deeply and this is true - I have never had the same effect from the other products. The skin is very clean, it seems that it shines inside!
Also the beldi is very effective antiseptic. If I have got an acne I use this product and it dries the problem zones.
The producer says that the product also nourishes the skin and evens out its color. I can say only about the color - it is really cool, I like it! But I don't know about a nourishment. May be I don't see it but I feel that my skin needs more moisturising and nourishment after the beldi.
And this is not only the cleansing product. This is also a kind of peeling! If I keep the Black beldi on the face for the 3-5 minutes I get very good exfoliating effect.
So how does it look? Well, this is so difficult moment. I don't know how to take a beautiful photo with this kind of substance!
But it works better than it looks, believe me!
Also the Black beldi can be used for a massage or as a gommage, you can take it with you in sauna and it will be effective in all cases, I'm sure.
Have you tried the beldi yet? What do you think about it? Have you tried this product by ChistoTel? Or may be some other product from the series The traditions of hammam?
*The Black beldi was given by ChistoTel for independent testing. You can find this product on the web-site of the brand.