Review: Express mask with lifting effect by Mirelin. The product which makes you 10 years younger

I love all unique cosmetics by Ukrainian brand Mirelin but only one its product I absolutely adore! The brand has got a series of dry facial masks with different effects. I have tried all of them and the best for me is an express mask with lifting effect. Why I love it so much? About it – in my today review!
I wrote about this brand and this type of masks earlier. These are cosmetic pads which look like a tea bag.
You need to make it wet (in water or in other liquid product – for instance a yogurt). I like the yogurt especially! This is really chic composition – a natural yogurt (I make it by myself) plus a natural combination of herbal ingredients. The whole composition of the express mask (this is typical list of ingredients of Mirelin):
There are 30 pads in a box. So you can use them every day during a month. You need to make the pad wet (put it in water for 10-15 seconds), the producer recommends. Then just rub your face and then keep the composition of the mask on the skin for 3-5 minutes.
But I do differently. After the mask becomes wet enough I open the pad, take the contents of the sachet and put it on the skin. The substance looks and is felt as a natural scrub. I use the product as a scrub for 1-2 minutes and then keep it on my face for 3-5 minutes additionally. And…
…I have got a perfect face! Yes, it’s true, I don’t want to tell lies! The skin is just perfect. It looks 10 years younger. My small wrinkles… well, where are they? I can’t find them now at all – they are only under eyes where I can’t use the scrub. Also I can feel the best smoothness of the skin. It is just silky, It is tender and even under my fingers I feel how tightened it is! Before the mask it is the skin of women 30 years old, after – the skin of 20 years old girl. It’s not a joke, just try!
I use the mask during a few months – not every day, just 1-2 times per a week. I see that it isn’t necessary to use the product more often. And I really like that this is an express thing. Found out about the party an hour before it started? You have got 5 minutes for the mask with lifting effect by Mirelin and you are just a beautiful young girl!
As I have said yet I use this mask not with water but with a yogurt. It gives a cool result! The skin is very soft and I don’t need even a cream after. I think this small box will be my constant companion. I will always buy the next pads and despite the fact that the other product by Mirelin are also very cool this one is the best of the best for me.
Have you tried dry cosmetics? Do you know these masks by Mirelin? Do you want to try them?
*Express facial masks with lifting effect have been given by Mirelin for independent testing. You can order this product on the web-site of this brand.