Review: The facial mask Effect by FLORI. Effective. Really!

Earlier I didn't belive in good effect of facial masks. I had god a few not so good products and they provoced lots of skin problems. That's why I stoped to put them for long time and started to use masks again only recently - when I have been 30+. Now I choose them very carefully and one the most effective and preferable for me now is a facial mask Effect by Ukrainian brand FLORI. This product gives to me all that my skin needs and I'll tell you about it in my today review.
This product is versatile. It can be used on rare occasions as a mask or often as a cleansing product. You can wash up with it every day (and even twice per a day) or just clean the skin when it needs using the mask one time per a week.
I use the product as a mask only. Firstly because I think it is very powerdul for every day using, I think. Secondly because I'm just greedy - I like the product and want to have it got as long as possible. If I will use it every day it will finish quickly.
But the cosmetics by FLORI has got a short expiration date - only one year - so may be I'll start to use the mask Effect more often. May be it will be even more effective in fall and winter.
What this mask can do, as the producer says:
The product is suitable for all skin types. The mask Effect by FLORI has got a right name - it's really effective. I feel how perfect my skin becomes after an each using. The mask makes it younger and cleaner, I feel a perfect tenderness and smoothness. The producer also says that the maks gives to the skin a lifting effect but I can't say true it or not, I haven't seen any big age problems on my face yet.
Also I can say that the product is very effective when the skin has got some inflammations. The mask Effect treats them very quickly. One using and... the face is almost clear even if before the mask there were a few acnes.
As you can see this is some kind of the clay masks. The product is thick and I don't need to take a lot - small dose of the mask is enough to make quite a dense layer on the face. So the mask Effect by FLORI is spent economically and I'm even affraid of the fact that it wouldn't be finished in one year. But I think it will be ok even after a hour X! And the producer says that the product can be used on other parts of the body of this is neccessary. So if there will be a mask in the jar after the expiration date I'll use it for the whole body.
A swatch of the product:
Good effect of this mask is possible due to its composition. It is very interesting as always:
Ingredients: white clay (kaolin), distilled water, sea salt, glycerol, soy lecithin, xanthan gum, aloe vera, blue chamomile, lavender, pepper mint and lіtseya kubeba essential oils.
The sea salt can give an effect of tingle on the skin, the producer says. But I don't feel it at all.
If I need I use the mask Effect by FLORI more often than once per a week. If the skin is damaged I do it "out of turn". Next time was this morning. And this was a good gift for my face!
Have you tried this product yet? The mask Effect is considered as the most famous product in the FLORI's collection. Do you want to try it?
*The mask Effect was given by FLORI for independent testing. You can buy this product on the website of the brand or write the producer on Facebook.