Review: The hair spray and the hair mousse The liquid silk by Dr.Sante. Everything about silky hair

I'm using these two items during almost 3 months and all this time they are my fave styling products. Both are by dr. Sante - Ukrainian brand which is belonging to laboratory Elfa. Today I'm going to tell you about the mousse and the spray from the series The liquid silk that are so cool and so cheap products for the best and the easiest styling!
Both products can not only fix hair in shape which you want but also make them looking healthier. The mousse and the spray The liquid silk give to the hair quite good volume and they are always shining after putting of them. I need more volume because my natural hair are very thin and always look even vorse than they are. And these product help me to make the hair visually better. And not only visually.
I use the hair mousse by Dr. Sante more often than the hair spray. I don't need strong fixation every day but I really need a volume and the mousse gives it to me very quickly. This is very, very, very light product - its texture is really tender and I even think that the mousse can melt if I don't put in on the hair quickly.
This product is the part of my usual haircare routine and I love using it - the mousse The liquid silk is invisible on the hair, it never makes them heavy or dirty and it keeps the hairstyle in good condition till the evening. Even if I wear the tight beanie during big part of a day I have got decent hair which are not creased. The mousse helps to keep their shape very well.
The product has got really nice fragrance and what I love more is its not sticky consistency! It never stick the hair, they stay natural and look like there isn't a styling product on them.
The mousse by Dr. Sante has got a portioner which is convenient for getting neccessary quantity of product. And it is tight enough to be safe for children - my daughter can't to squeese a mousse even if she thries hard!
If the mousse The liquid silk is my mast have the hair spray is just lifesaver only in some important situation. For instance when I go to a birthday party of my best friend. I need to have got very, very strong fixation for all day (and all night))) so I use the spray and can be calm. Even if I decide to wear the curly hair I know that they will be okay. Usually my hair are absolutely straight and they never keep any curls. But with this spray they can do this quite long time.
This is how my hair look every day if I decide to use the spray The liquid silk. It gives very strong fixation but it is never visible on the hair. They just shine chicly and just look so natural.
The product has got only one problem - a very tight portioner! Incredibly tight! I always need to make lots of efforts to squeese enough quantity of the spray. But I think I'll builde muscle soon so it won't be a problem))
What do I look like when I use these two products? Well, something like that:
I think this is not bad, do you agree? ;)
Which type of styling products do you use? Have you tried this series by Dr.Sante and Laboratory Elfa? Try it, these products are really cool!
*The hair mouse and hair spray The liquid Silk was given by laboratory Elfa for independent testing.
This line of product you can find on the Elfa's website.