Review: Haircare products by Elfa Laboratory. You hair will like it!

I always try to buy quite expensive products for face (if I don’t get something for testing). But if I need a new haircare cosmetics I never find something super-special! If there isn’t a decent shampoo in my collection, I choose this brand confidently. Which one do I mean? Of course the Ukrainian producer Elfa Laboratory! It has got a few trademarks and I love all of them. Today I want to show you three haircare products (two shampoo and a balm) by Dr.Sante and Salon Professional (both are Elfa’s brands).
A shampoo and a balm Liquid silk
My first finding – a pair of products by Dr. Sante. They are form the Liquid Silk series. It’s a shampoo and a balm “Freshness and Strengthening”. Both contain of silk proteins and keratin. Both were made special for hair with need smoothness and deep care. And both gave me these effects.
After the shampoo my hair became silky and stronger than they had been before. And despite the product hasn’t got a transparent texture (it is the best for my oily hair) it wash them out very good. Creamy substance with milk color and quite a thick consistency is chic for everyday using – only one portion of the shampoo “Freshness and Strengthening” is enough for getting clean and shiny hair!
But I want to say that my hair need only everyday using despite the producer says that the shampoo works 48 hours. It doesn't keep good level of hair cleanliness on me!
A composition:
The balm works also as a conditioner and it is very good addition for the shampoo. The last one makes the hair a little bit harsh but the balm “Freshness and Strengthening” helps in this case. One minutes when it is on hair is enough for make them absolutely silky! It never weight hair up, works very softly and delicately. I like the effect – clean, soft, silky and smooth hair every day. Moreover, they are combing out well and lie down perfectly every day. Even if the weather is windy!
A composition:
Of course I can’t say that compositions of the both product are absolutely natural. No, they aren’t. But it is normal for my hair and I never have got problems with products by Dr.Sante!
The Salon Professional shampoo
Other product by Elfa Laboratory is one of the long-awaited for me. I wanted to try their professional line and I was so happy when the producer sent for my this Salon Professional shampoo. It has got very big volume – especially for salon using. But of course it can be used at home!
The Salon Professional shampoo has got everything I love:
- Big volume for everyday using (if the pair by Dr. Sante is enough for 1-1,5 month, the Salon Professional Shampoo I used during 4 month!),
- A transparent texture – it’s ideal for my oily hair,
- Good abilities for washing hair up – the shampoo makes my hair clean very quickly and it works even better than the “Freshness and Strengthening” one).
A swatch and a composition:
Just transparent, nothing more!
But I want to say that this product doesn’t make hair silky if it was used without any helpers. They need more care! Of course my hair were enough strong, they didn’t fall out, they were shiny and healthy after the Salon Professional shampoo… but they were also harsh after washing them and if I wanted to comb them out without problems I needed to use a conditioner. It was quite a hard task – to find a decent balm or a conditioner. The Salon Professional shampoo hasn’t got a pair from this series so I just bought a few different products by Elfa Laboratory. And with this help the product worked flawlessly!
My resume
I absolutely love Elfa’s haircare products. Despite they are cheap they work ideally and I think this care is enough for my hair. I never feel that these products have got by-effects, never see any allergy on the skin. And I’m sure that I’ll buy this brand very often – when I will need a good cosmetics for hair and won’t have got a concrete product in my wish-list.
Do you agree with me in my preference of Elfa’s products? Have you tried these series?
*The Salon Professional shampoo and the shampoo and the balm "Freshness and Strengthening" by Dr. Sante were given by Elfa Laboratory for independent testing.
You can find these products on the Elfa's website.
26 UAH ($1) for the shampoo by Dr. Sante
26 UAH ($1) for the balm by Dr. Sante
50 UAH ($2) for Salon Professional shampoo