Review: Manicure set Camill Lady from EVA. My personal helper!

It seems that I don’t need the manicure tools at all because I like wearing gel nail polishes and I do a manicure in a nail salon. But this is false. I really need this stuff and when I got a manicure set Camill Lady from the Ukrainian line of the shops EVA I was so glad! Why? Let’s look together in my today review!
This is small set with the most necessary tools – cuticle nippers, glass nail file (my favorite!), polisher for nails and a small nail scissors. All of tools are very good for me. I know that girls criticized them and said that scissors and nippers are not acute enough. But everything is OK for me – I never make the whole manicure, I just correct something with these tools so I think they are very good part of my collection. And they are decent in their roles.
The scissors Camill Lady. They are quite keen but their best feature is convenience! Taking them in a hand is a pleasure – it is very easy and very functional tool. I like cutting my nails when they are long enough so the scissors I use very often.
The cuticle nippers Camill Lady. They are also acute enough but they are not really strong. My old nippers can even cut the nails. These pair isn’t really good at this process. The tool can be used only with the skin, never try to cut the nails with it – you can just break them!
The most important part of the manicure for me is polishing the nails. I like when they are shiny and smooth. So when my nails are “on vacation” after a gel nail polish I always make them beautiful with a nail polisher Camill Lady. It is convenient enough and I think it has got a high quality.
And the most important tool for me from this set – the glass nail file Camill Lady! I like only the glass tools – not metal or plastic. The glass ones have got the best quality for me, they are very strong but never injure the nails… And they are long lasting, I have never seen how the nail file from this type become thinned and less its abilities.
I think this small set is the best for people who usually make a manicure in a nail salon but need a correct it time to time. Nails can be broken, you may want to make them shorter immediately and without the help of manicure master, all of us have got burrs… So we always need to have got all tools for this.
Will this set be useful for people who make a manicure by hands and need a lot tools at home? I guess they can estimate the scissors, the glass file and the polisher. The cuticle nippers could be better for regular using, I think. But this set is not bad, I can say that it is really decent. And if I didn’t get it for testing by EVA, I would buy it surely. I think this is good purchase because EVA offers really chic prices – all tools Camill Lady cost not so much money.
Do you try these tools? Which manicure set have you got? Do you make a manicure by hands or go to the nail salon or nail bar?
*The manicure set Camill Lady was given by the line of the shops EVA for independent testing. You can buy your tools in your EVA!