Review: Moisturizing lipstick by dini. The most interesting Ukrainian makeup products (Part 1)

I often hear that Ukrainian producers don’t make makeup products. People say it’s impossible but it’s not true. I know that there are lots of interesting items in different shops and many of them are worthy of attention. Today I want to tell you about some of these products and the first for this week will be a moisturizing lipstick by Ukrainian brand dini.
I have already told you about this brand. It makes different products and I have tried two eyeshadows and an eyeliner. The lipstick is also a good example of decent cosmetics.
I have got one lipstick – it’s # 1 in the big palette of the brand (there are 20 different colors!). Mine one is the middle between a rose color and a peach shadows. Something pleasant with small golden undertone and deep rose color (but not a baby pink or Barbie pink!). This is mine shadow, it’s my summer mood and my inspiration for good summer looks. But I need to say that the lipstick has got advantages and disadvantages. So you should be attentive if you want to use it.
Advantages are evident:
- The lipstick by dini is moisturizing and I feel it – my lips under it and after it never are dry, they stay soft and tender, even in a hot day;
- The color is very thick so the lipstick gives good cover which is long lasting – I can wear it during 3-4 hours without problems (the product has got a waterproof base, the producer says): you will lose the most part of color after the first having a snack but small shadow will be with you longer);
- The product doesn’t flow under lips even in very hot weather – it stays where it should be;
- The tube has got a plastic part with the color of lipstick so if you buy a few similar products you will find the right easily.
Also I want to notice that the lipstick by dini has got a very pleasant creamy texture, it is convenient on the lips and never makes the feeling of a mask on them.
But there is also disadvantages. The biggest one – after 1-2 hours the lipstick by dini makes on the lips a white line. It can be shaded easily but I need to be attentive and check the look of my lips very often. It’s not very convenient.
One more problem is that the lipstick by dini can wash off not completely, if you have got not ideal lips. It stays in the small wrinkles and flaky areas. So you need to wash it off more thoroughly. BUT! If you use this lipstick regularly your lips will be sleeked because this product has got caring abilities and can renovate even very bed lips (as mine ones)!
And one more small detail. If you are pregnant you can not like this aroma. The product has got it and I can’t say that it is unpleasant. No! This is tender and light fragrance, it is almost not felt… But in this delicate condition you can smell it better. So if you suffer from it just take a pause! And then you’ll like the lipstick again, I promise!
My resume
I can say that this lipstick by dini is quite decent for everyday using. I like its creamy texture and I really like the effect – sleeked lips, which are well moisturized and smooth (after one week using as minimum!). This is the first acquaintance with lipsticks by dini and I think I’ll order some others. Almost all disadvantages are temporary and I can got used for them.
Will you like it, how do you think? Do you know about dini’s products? Do you use Ukrainian makeup cosmetics?
You can buy this cosmetics:
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Or just write to the producer on social networks:
Price - 59-63 UAH ($2,3-2,4).
*The lipstick was given by dini for independent testing.