Review: My ideal face. Face cream nourishing anti-wrinkle by GUAM

I know that cosmetics can't solve big skin problems like the wrinkles or someting like that. But it can help to reduce them. And if it's a good product it even does more than you imagined. The face cream nourishing anti-wrinkle Microcellulaire by GUAM is really good. For me it is one of the best item from this type of products. It makes my skin super smooth and today I want to tell you about its magical properties. So read please my review!
I have got only a few sachet with the cream but there is enough product in them to understand which result it gives. The cream is very tender and the most interesting its property is interesting warm effect. The product gives a chic feeling of a pleasant heat when it starts working! It dissapeares a few minutes ago.
The cream has got super smooth consictency. It is not dense, but isn't also watery. It is usual cream but very tender and soft. It absorbs quickly and I can put it on the skin just before going to bed. I never make the clothes dirty with the cream because I know that each useful ingredient has been absobing into my skin yet.
The cream Microcellulaire was made especially for mature skin which has got some sings of aiging. In my case it is a few wrinkles and I need to do something with them. This product helps well - I use it in the evening and in the morning the skin becomes very smooth and matte. It's possible due to a special formula of the cream - it contains the phytoplankton GUAM and the sea water and the both ingredients have got lots of biologically active substances and help to deliver the most important ingredients in the deepest layers of the skin.
The cream Microcellulaire protects the skin and resists the aiging process. Now I feel that the skin is moisturized well, it became softer and I have got more clear and elastic contour of the face. And my compexion has been more pleasant (not just yellow!), it is so important in winter!
I also want to say that the cream is not the product which could be used in big quantity. No. You should use it carefully if you want to get a good result without problems. Firstly I started to put the product on the skin twice per a day and on the second day I had got a small irritation on the skin. I made a break and now use the cream only once (in the evening). In the morning I put on the skin my usual nourishing cream (about it - in the next post!). And now I can enjoy my smooth face without an acne or other problems.
I love the GUAM's products for their compositions. There are lots of organic ingredients in their formulas. The whole list of them:
And a few swatches:
I think this cream should be in cosmetical collection of ever 30 years old women. I don't want to say that it has to be used forever but the mature skin needs to have got a few courses with this product. All of them will be helpful. I'm going to finish all my sachet, then make a break and 6 months ago buy this gream again.
Have you used this product by GUAM or may be some other products from the Microcellulaire series? Do you want to try?
*The face cream nourishing anti-wrinkle Microcellulaire was given by GUAM for independent testing. You can buy this product on the GUAM's shop in Kiev or on the officcial web-site of the brand.