Review: Nourishing facial cream White Rose. Bulgarian cosmetics - the best ever!

When I have got some problems with the skin I use only one facial cream to treat it. When I'm failing with the new beauty product and need to find a replacement urgently I also take only one cream. The Nourishing cream by Bulgarian brand White Rose Natural. I think Bulgarian cosmetics is one of the best ever. I'm using it during many years and I can say that I haven't had better products. But the cream I'll tell you about in my today review is the best of the best.
As almost each beauty-product from Bulgaria this cream is very cheap. I bought it when I was on vacancy in this country in the last August. And I do it each time when I go there: I buy lots of cosmetics and this cream is always my favorite. It costs about 2-3 $ but its quality is better than ever cream by 200 $ and more! I have tried them so I know)
This is nourishing cream but the brand has got also a moisturizing one. I also love it and now I don't understand why I didn't buy this product too? Next year I'll do it!
Both of creams is packed in very big jars (150 ml it's quite a lot for facial cream) so sometimes I use one product during 1-2 years. This is very long time but the creams never less their quality. And I can use them as the eye creams or hands creams also. This cosmetics is versatile.
The producer says that the cream is natural but I understand that so cheap product couldn't be organic. And this is not a problem for me. I love this cosmetics for its healing properties. It helps with acne, with ever dryness of the skin and different types of inflammation. When my skin is suffered from big frost I help it putting this cream. When it's too hot and the skin need a care I also use it. When I used bad quality mask (sometimes it's possible if you try lots of cosmetics) I treat my damaged skin with Bulgarian products. Hope I'll always have got an opportunity to buy them!
The nourishing facial cream White Rose has got a light consistency. It's not dense and I never feel that there is an oily film on my face after putting the cream. It absorbs quickly and make the skin smooth and healthy instantly. Even if I have got big zone with inflammation (for instanse after walking in very frosty day my face can be extremely dry in some parts) I use this cream and problems dissapeare!
The Bulgarian beauty-products usually contain extract of rose or some parts of this flower (rose is one of the national symbol of this country) but they hardly ever have got a strong fragrance. No, it's elusive and very pleasant. I love smelling this cosmetics and it never bother me with its smell.
I also love how this cream is spreaded. I need just a tad to cover all my face and I do it without any efforts. Just in one moment!
After putting the cream I feel that skin is moisturised well and got enough of nourishment but it is never oily. Even if I take more cream than I need it never makes problems - no spots on the skin, no unpleasant feelings. If I put the cream in the evening I can enjoy healthy skin in the morning yet. The whole list of ingrediens of this cream:
And a swatch:
I think this cosmetics should be available for all countries. I go to Bulgaria every year so I can buy it again and again but girls who love other resorts can't. I know that there are some shops which can deliver this products in Ukraine but I think we should have got more opportunities to buy them. Hope I'll find this cosmetics in Ukraine.
Do you know this brand or other Bulgarian brands? Have you ever tried them? Do you want to buy this cosmetics in your country?