Review: The oily serum for accelerate growth of the eyebrows and the eyelashes by CreamWell. My big secret!

I didn't want to tell you about this product because it's my secret! I know how to accelerate growth of the eyelashes and the eyebrows (especially the eyebrows!!)! You need just one product and when I ordered it I even didn't wait for a powerful effect on really high level. But I can say that this item is really magic and... well, so be it! I'll tell you what the product became a finding for my and my lashes recently. This is an oily serum for accelerate growth of the eyelashes and eyebrows by the organic Ukrainian brand CreamWell.
When I was choosing the products by CreamWell a founder of this brand Tatiana told me that the serum couldn't just give a miracle. This product is useful if you want to renovate the lashes or brows and it gives them intensive nourishment and strengthens the hair follicles. Also it would be necessary if you want to recover the eyelashes after their extensions. But of course the serum by CreamWell can't overcome the length of the lashes which was provided by the nature. I have understood this fact and waited just a small effect. But it has been bigger that I could imagine.
I bought this serum for the brows in the first place. I have got the decent lashes, they are long enough for me and they just look faded without a mascara. With it they are good. But the brows are quite another thing. After an interview with the makeup artists from Agent-Parfumer I started to want to have got the large eyebrows and I hoped that this serum would help my to get this effect quickly. I haven't been mistaken! I noticed the effect after the first using of this product.
After I put this serum on my eyebrows firstly I couldn't believe my eyes: the places where yestarday was nothing started to be seemed on the large brows! The small hair grew very quickly and 3-4 days later I got good result. Firstly I needed to draw a brows with a pencil - just to hide the small hair which started to appeare above the eyes. But the necessity in it was eliminated very quickly. A few days later I started to use my usual eyebrow powder which helps me to make the hue of the brows brighter. Nothing more! And I have noticed that the serum by CreamWell has got a cumulative effect. Even if I decide to take a break the product still work. My brows grow very quickly till now! (And I need to correct them more often because not only important hair grow, the ones which should be tweezed also are very active).
What about the lashes? Firstly I even don't put the serum om them but when I saw the effect on the eyebrows I decided that this product is important for the lashes also. I haven't been waiting for the super length and I haven't got it. But my lashes started to be brighter and more expressive. The faded hair got an expressive color and now I can see my lashes even without a mascara. Earlier they were almost invisible - the ends of them were "transparent" and I needed to use a decent quantity of a mascara to emphasise them. Now I'm satisfied with a condition of my "bare" lashes.
The serum for accelerate growth of the eyelashes and eyebrows by CreamWell looks like a usual oil. It has got an oily texture and absorbs slowly so I need some time before I go to bed after putting this product on my skin. The serum is liquid but it doesn't spread on the skin after putting it.
I use the serum in the evening (not every day now) and I do it just with a finger. The bottle has got a small portioner but I tnink that putting the product on the brows and lashes is more convenient if I firstly squize a few tads on back of the hand and then take the product with a finger.
Ingredients of the product: oil of almond virgin, castor oil, argan oil, grape seed oil, macadamia oil, vitamine E, vitamine A.
A swatch:
When I took a photo with a swatch I noticed that the serum gives an almost elusive feeling of tingling. But I feel it only on the skin of my hand. When I put the serum on the eyelids and eyebrows (where is more tender skin) I feel nothing. I don't now why I feel this effect.
And the result. The left photo was made the 8 of February. The right one - the 8 of March. Please don't look on my freckles!!!
I don't know what you see here but I can notice that the brows became larger (I even needed to buy a comb for them!) and the lashes became brighter. Also they are stronger and may be a little bit longer but I think they are just more healthier and that's why they look better than earlier.
Have you ever used the same product? Which one? Do you want to do something with yours brows and lashes?
*The serum for accelerate growth of the eyebrows and eyelashes by CreamWell was given by the brand for independent testing. You can buy it on the web-site of the brand or write the producer on Instagram and Facebook.