Review: Shampoo and hair mask Level by EVA. Like it or no?

I love using very, VERY big cosmetical products. If a shampoo or a hair mask have got a big volume it is a chic gift for me because I know - I will use this product long, long time. And when I got a pair of haircare products from the series Level by the Ukrainian line of the shops EVA I was pleasantly surprised. Both products have been really big! But do I like them now? I can't understand and want you to help me with this question in my today review!
1 liter of the shampoo and 1 liter od the hair mask also!! Is it not a chic idea? This is my year's supply!
The bottles are very big and they seem not to be very convenient but you shouldn't to take them in your hand. Both bottles can stay on a shelf. You will take a portion of the shampoo by portioner. The bottle with the mask you can just open and take enough quantity by your fingers or a spoon. No problems! And if you want to take these products with you on a trip, just take parts of them in the small jars.
The portioner works perfectly, no problems with it! BUT!!
But be ready that you will need to click on the portioner lots of times. I need 6-7 minimum! I have got short hair but even for them I take lots of the shampoo. It makes a foam badly and I feel that small quantity wash hair problematically. But the second time of washing is better - when the hair are wet and almost clean the shampoo Level works well.
The products from the series Level should give to the hair good moistening and a volume. I chose this type of products especially - they even are named "Deep repair and moisturizing". The volume of the hair is fantastic for me, I don't know a shampoo which can have got this effect. But I can say that this product moisturizes my hair not so badly. They look healthy and I can't find the dry ends anywhere!
Well, if you need more moistening you can take the hair mask Level. This product can be used as an usul hair balm - if your hair need help every day. And you can use it as a mask. I like the second way. I use the mask once per a week and take it on the hair 15-20 minutes.
This mask is made especially for the thin hair and it really helps to make them stronger. I can't say that my hair are silky after this product, no. But I feel that they are strong. If I feel some harshness I just use a spray-conditioner after the mask.
The product has got quite a tender consistency. It is very soft and it makes the hair shiny, I like the effect. But my hair like other haircare masks more than the Level one, I feel this.
So do I like the series Level by EVA or not? It has got some pros and some contras.
The best pro of the shampoo - is transparent color. For me this is a symbol of its natural composition. Also I like that it hasn't got any powerful foam formers. But I don't like that I need to spend lots of the product before my hair will become clean. Also I don't like how it wash them. This is shampoo which I have to use twice if I want to have got very clean hair. Usually I put the shampoo on my hair only one time during a procedure of washing.
The mask Level is better because it works well. But I can't say that it is a miracle. Just usual hair care. And I like its volume - the product looks like a professional masks which have got the same big bottles. So if you want to have got a decent hair care product for long time choose this one.
The compositions of both products:
The shampoo
The mask
The compositions are good enough for me. The producer says that both products contain of keratin which can treat damaged hair, oleum lini - an oil which renovate the hair and a honey extract which makes a good volume and strenghet the hair.
I can't say that my hair became really perfect after using these products. But I see quite a good effect in general. And I know that if I will use this pair Level regularly I won't have got any problems with my hair. But won't have got any miracles also.
What do you think about this series by EVA? Have you tried it yet? Will you buy it if you find it in the shop?
*The shampoo and the hair mask Level were given by the line of the shops EVA for independent testing. There are other products in this series which give other effects for hair. You can buy your pair in your EVA!