Review: Shampoo for strengthen hair by Yaka. When everything is ideal

Have you ever tried a shampoo, which makes your hair as perfect as you want? Really – not just “ideal” or “amazing”: exactly as good as you want, as you have dreamt! I haven’t. So far. When I ordered a shampoo for strengthen hair with burdock, olive and linseed oils by Ukrainian brand Yaka, I thought, that it would be good (because I knew, Yaka is gorgeous). But I have been surprised: it isn’t good, it’s just super. Let’s discuss together, why this shampoo is one of the best!
How does it work?
Yaka offers natural products, which aren’t testing on animals, contain of natural ingredients and wor naturally: you get cosmetics, which care about your skin or hair in natural way, as it would have been, if you use all these ingredients in their pure form. Be ready: if you choose Yaka shampoo for strengthen hair with burdock, olive and linseed oils, it will work as a pure oil mix, well… even more gently and carefully!
How is this possible?
If you use oils, they make hair softer, strength them, care about them, but they are washed off badly. Hair can stay oily, heavy, it can look badly and unhealthy.
If you use a high-quality shampoo with these oils, you get all good effects, but hair become very clean, healthy. No oiliness at all!
Yaka can keep this balance: it safes all perfect features of oils, but makes products, which work without by-effects. The shampoo for strengthen hair with burdock, olive and linseed oils gives you everything you need:
And one more bonus - the Yaka shampoo has got so pleasant aroma - tender, light and non-synthetic. I feel only light apple fragrance.
But the best feature of Yaka shampoo for strengthen hair with burdock, olive and linseed oils is result, which hair get after it!
What can it do?
What are my hair? They are very soft and that’s why they are naughty. I can’t style them, all hairstyles just break down instantly. I really need to make my hair a little bit harsher, thicker and “polite”. And the Yaka shampoo helps me! It makes my hair strong, obedient, healthy… They stay soft, but I can style them easily and they lay perfectly. All ingredients in this shampoo work for it:
- Burdock oil softens the hair, helps it to grow up quickly, strengthen all weak hair follicles.
- Linen seeds oil gives to hair lots of vitamins and helpful microelements, strength hair and the skin of the head.
- Olive oil helps to renovate hair, which suffer from tools aggressive hairstyling: it contain of fatty acids, which give good exfoliating effect and clean the skin softly.
All ingredients of the Yaka shampoo:
After this shampoo my hair are as perfect, as I want. Nothing more and nothing less - just all my dreams about hair came true. My hair are:
Have they grew up? Maybe. But I don’t want to this effect, so I don’t follow it.
And one nuance, which I need to note. As each natural shampoo, this one makes hair a little bit harsh. I always use a conditioner after it. If you have got long hair, you also will need it to comb hair out well. My hairstyle is very short now, but conditioner helps me to make hair just softer and shinier.
My hair now. They became shorter :)
How do I use the Yaka shampoo?
As usual, I wash my hair every day. I need a small portion of the product. It works well, even when my hair are very dirty. Usually I even don’t need to repeat a procedure of washing – one time is enough.
My resume
Will I buy the Yaka shampoo for strengthen hair with burdock, olive and linseed oils again? Yes, but first I’ll try other products by this brand.
I think, Yaka is one of the best Ukrainian natural brand. I have tried its different products and all of them were so amazing. All of them work perfectly, all of them give chic results… And all of them are worthy of using them again and again.
Do you agree with me? Have you tried something by Yaka?
Shampoo for strengthen hair with burdock, olive and linseed oils was given by Yaka for independent testing. You can find this product on the web-site of the brand.
Price - 88 UAH ($3).