Review: The shower gel Lavender by AlpStories. My personal relax

My fave non-Ukrainian brand is AlpStories. My fave series by Alpstories is Lavender. My fave products from this series are shower gels. Everything is so easy! Well, the shower gel Lavender by Alpstories is my fave one ever. Today I gotta tell you why I absolutely love this thing. Let's read together!
All shower gels by AlpStories have got the same package - a small bottle (only 250 ml) with a laconic design. But all these bottles are very long lasting. I used a lot of gels and only one finished recently, others are with me till now - more than one year yet!
The gel has got a very tender texture - it looks like a milk and has got the same color.
The gel is quite liquid - more liquid than other products of this type - but I can't say that I need to spend a lot when I clean the skin. No, usual tad is enough because all gels by AlpStories give a very good foam. And I usually take shower in a cloud of foam which smells like a true lavender. This aroma, oh... I have written about it yet and for me this is the best lavender aroma ever. The fragrance reminds me my youth and I love the AlpStories's lavender especially, it has got very specific and very tender smell. Incredibly tender!
The gel Lavender gives to me a gorgeous relax - really gorgeous! This is the best product which you can use before go to bed. After this shower gel I fall asleep quickly. I enjoy the aroma, feel the freshness of my skin and just sleep, sleep, sleep...
Also I can say that the skin after this gel by AlpStories is smooth enough so usually I don't use a body milk or cream. But I also have got a milk Lavender by AlpStories and it gives to me an incredibly cool result in pair with this gel! So my next post about AlpStories's products will be about the milk!
Of course the shower gel Lavender has got a very good composition. No parabens, no mineral oils, no artificial dyes and synthetic aromas, no silicones. Ingredients:
I have got quite a big collection of cleansing products by AlpStories and I plan to ful it up. So this is not the last post about this perfect brand!
Have you tried its gels yet? Which one is your fave? Which shower products do you like the most?
*The shower gel Lavender was given by AlpStories for independent testing. You can buy this product on the official web-site of the brand.