Review: The toothpaste by FLORI. Smile! Smile! Smile!

Lately I became a fan of salty toothpastes. One day I understood that they clean the teeth perfectly, even better that usual sweat ones. So I decided to buy only them and I was so glad when the Ukrainian brand FLORI sent me their salty toothpaste which is now my best fave. I'm going to praise it in my today review!
The producer says that this toothpaste is unique and I agree with it. I have got not so white teeth and this is just a joke on the nature - I can do everything but the enamel stays a little bit yellow. But now I know that I can brush the teeth perfectly and they will look almost ideal. The paste FLORI helps me very well!
This toothpaste is organic so it will give you just a good cleansing effects without problems. It just helps to clean the enamel carefully and makes the teeth and the gums healthier. After only 2-3 minutes of brushing the teeth I feel (and see) that they become almost white. Almost - in my case it's everything! The teeth look well and I feel just a fresh breath - also a good bonus which is always important. The paste is agains the caries and periodontal diseases and I have noticed that my gums became stronger and helthier. Earlier I always had got some problems with them, they bleeded quite often and I needed to do something with it. Now I don't see that problem, even after I took a new toothbrush which is very rigid.
The producer also says that the first days of using this paste you can feel a small discomfort - the salt can irritate the damaged places on the enamel and that's why some unpleasant feeling are possible. But I have never felt them. I love how this toothpaste works. Using it during almost 10 days I have forgotten about:
- the yellow hue of the enamel - it has been possible due to sodium bicarbonate which is in the composition of this product, it has got a powerful whitening effect,
- the plaque - the surface of each tooth are very smooth now - thanks to the white clay which can clean the enamel softly but effectively,
- the problems with the gums (all ingredients help to solve them).
So now I can say that my teeth are better that they were and not only I have noticed this fact. I hear lots of compliments about my smile and I'm so glad that this product by FLORI is with me so far!
The composition of the product is really organic (only natural ingredients and herbal additions), you can see it:
In English: water, white clay (kaolin), salt (NaCl), pharmaceutical glycerine, hydrocarbonate sodium (NaHCO3), xanthan gum, aloe vera, beeswax, essential oils of carnation, orange, sage, swamp calamus, curly mint, peppermint, natural menthol.
Also I want to say about the taste of this paste. It is salty. Really. Of course this taste is not unpleasant but it is expressed and if you don't like this you should be ready for it. I like the salty taste more than sweet so for me it's just a pleasure!
And what about the look of this taste? It looks like a... clay or something like that. It is beige and really unusual. But the clay is in the composition and that's why the product has got its color.
The paste has got very light consistency. For me it is a pleasant product and I love using it. I brush my teeth two time per a day and I really glad to do this with the product by FLORI. I need only small tad for one procedure of brushing (you can see a volume which is enough for me on the swatch) and I can say that this paste is very lasting. I even haven't noticed yet that there became less product in the tube.
I just need to use it during a year - all organic products have got not so long shelf life. But I think I'll manage to do this with a pleasure!
Do you know this toothpaste? Do you know some other products by FLORI? I highly recommend this Ukrainian brand, it's really high-quality! And I'm going to tell you about its cosmetics more and more. Fortunately I have got lots of different products!
*The toothpaste was given by FLORI for independent testing. You can buy this product on the website of the brand or write the producer on Facebook.