Review: Two products for intimate hygiene by Elfa Laboratory: the milk vs the gel. What is the best?

I thought that a product for intimate hygiene wasn’t so necessary. It looks like a glut. You can use a usual soap or even a shower gel, can’t you? But when I started to use intimate products by Elfa laboratory (Ukrainian brand) I understood how important they are. This is not an extra thing! And today I’ll tell you about two items which are my fav products for intimate care. I want to compare them and decide which one is the best. Our topic today – a cleansing milk for intimate hygiene Sensitive Intimo+ MED by Elfa Pharm and a Tender intimate gel “Oat and cotton”. Both are the Elfa laboratory’s products.
Left - the intamate milk, right - the intamate gel
The gel is a usual item which I always buy in a shop when I need some intimate product. This one – “Oat and cotton” – is just an example. There are lots of different types of the gels in Elfa’s collection and I have used all of them. They:
- are really tender and soft,
- clean the skin perfectly,
- calm the skin and never makes irritations and inflammation (if some problems are on the skin the gel helps to treat them),
- can be used every day (and even 2-3 times per a day if you need) without any by-effect,
- are very convenient – the bottle with a gel is big enough, it has got a portioner and the product makes a really good foam so using it is very easy.
The product doesn’t consist SLES, SLS, parabens and dyes. A composition:
I use the gel every day. One portion which I get by the portioner is enough for one using. Also I use this product as a shaving gel time to time. It softens the skin and makes good foam for the process of shaving so I can do this don’t being afraid of injuring the tender skin.
The tender intimate gel by Elfa is really useful and I would continue to buy it if this brand hasn’t got a novelty – really chic cleansing milk for intimate hygiene Sensitive Intimo+ MED by Elfa Pharm!
Intimo+ MED is a new brand by Elfa. There is a line of intimate products for different skin types and I have got a Sensitive one. The milk is really suitable for sensitive skin and it treats it perfectly, never makes problems and helps even in a delicate period of women’s life (if you understand what I mean).
Intimo+ MED is a new brand by Elfa. There is a line of intimate products for different skin types and I have got a Sensitive one. The milk is really suitable for sensitive skin and it treats it perfectly, never makes problems and helps even in a delicate period of women’s life (if you understand what I mean).
The milk Intimo+ MED contains a lactic acid. The bottle with the product (200 ml) is smaller than the bottle with the tender intimate gel (370 ml). But I can’t say that this product is spent quickly. I use it during almost a month and it stays with me till now. This is a common feature of all Elfa’s products. They are incredibly economical.
A composition:
The milk ElfaPharm:
- Is really soft! This is exactly a milk – like a facial or body milk, it is tender and it makes the skin velvet and smooth,
- Calm the irritated skin after the process of shaving,
- Clean the skin quickly but it doesn’t make a big foam.
The milk and the gel are washed off from the skin very well. They never make any spots. The products which are washed off baldly were the horror of my childhood. I always had got the irritations on my tender skin after a bad soaps which we used that time. Now I haven’t got this problem.
So which product I’ll buy when these both will have been finished? May be I want to repeat the milk! I like the gel so much but the milk is like a new level of intimate skincare! You not only clean the skin but also calm it, make it softer and smoother without any creams or other products. Of course with this milk I also need something for shaving but this is no problem. The gel by Elfa also can’t replace special cosmetics for this procedure, it can be just a temporary helper.
And what do you choose for intimate hygiene? Do you buy something special? What do you like more – the gel, the soap or the milk? Have you tried these products by Elfa?
The milk for intimate hygiene Intimo+ MED and the Tender gel for intimate hygiene "Oat and cotton" were given by Laboratory Elfa for independent testing.
You can find these products on the Elfa's website.