Review: The hair balm Keratin by Dr.Sante. Perfect, perfect hair

Telling you about the series Keratin by Ukrainian producer Laboratory Elfa and starting with a balm from this line is quite an unusual idea. A shampoo should be the first, isn't it? But I can do nothing with it - the balm is my favorite product in this line, it is really idea finding so my today review is its finest hour! My first Keratin's product - the hair balm Renovation of the hair structure by Dr.Sante (the own brand by laboratory Elfa).
May be you have read about this series yet in other blogs. It is so popular! There are three products in the collection - a shampoo, a hair mask and this balm. I'll told you about all of them.
What's about the balm? It is suitable for dim and brittle hair. The product helps to make them strong and elastic and of course it makes them very soft so the process of combing the hair out is very easy!
The series Keratin is special for the brand. It contains of an unique Pro-Keratin Complex: keratin + arginine + collagen. These ingredients can renovate the entire length of hair.
- Keratin integrates in damaged parts of the hair and renovates its structure, makes the hair more elastic, shining and smooth.
- Arginine gives to the hair a new energy and stimulates their healty growth.
- Collagen protects the hair, makes them stronger.
These aren't just the words. It's true and the hair balm Kieratin by Dr.Sante demonstrates all these results.
This is just simple white substance in the quite a big tube. The balm has got a light and tender texture (like other products from this type, nothing new). But this substanbce makes the hair absolutely ideal. They became so soft and very smooth after the first using. I like these effects. When I touch the hair after the balm they are felt like a clean, smooth wave which is combing out easily and smells so nice! Oh, yes the aroma of this balm is just a dream - I like it, it is very tender and really gorgeous and sometimes I even don't use a perfume (especially in summer). I absolutely love the fragrance of my hair!
Also I can say that the balm can replace all other hair care and hair styling products. I can not use hair masks or sprays and I don't feel the neccessity of them. The balm gives to my hair very good moistening and nourishment. I don't need something else to care about them more thoroughly!
The composition of the balm:
And one more advantage. The balm Keratin by Dr.Sante protects the hair from the sun and gives to them a thermal protection also. I can use the hair drier or other hair styling tools don't being affraid of damaging my hair.
The producer says that the balm also protects the hair from the wind or frost but fortunately there is no coldness here! So this fact I will be able to check only in winter.
And I can say that the balm is very economical product. It has got a portioner and I need so small dose of the balm for my short hair.
When I use this product I feel as if my hair "drink" it. And when I start to wash it off I feel that there isn't a trace of the product on them! They "eat" everything in a few minutes!
Do you try this balm? Or may be something else from this series by Dr.Sante and Laboratory Elfa? Do you like Elfa's Keratin?
*The hair balm Renovation of the hair structure by Dr.Sante has been given by Laboratory Elfa for independent testing. You can find it on the web-site of the brand and in some lines of the shops in your city.