Review: Fangocrema by GUAM (cellulite formula). The flame against the cellulite!

I love the body creams which give some tangible effect - freshness or warmness. When I feel something I understand that the cosmetics works and that's why Fangocrema by GUAM has been really effective finding for me. I feel how it makes my skin smoother and how my cellulite are decreasing because this cream has got the warming-up effect. "Warming-up" is a key word! The cream gives absolutely bright feeling of warmness. And today I'm going to tell you everything about it!
Warming-up? Oh, no! It's flammable, I would say! It's really hot!
I know about this fact before I have started to use the cream but I hadn't wait for the effect of such force! The cream was made especially for the skin which is damaged with the cellulite. And the product has got a unique composition that helps to counteract all the signs of the "orange peel". I fell how it works. A few minutes ago after putting the cream on the problem zones the skin starts burning! I feel incredible heat but I can't call it unpleasant. No, I feel as I just lay on the hot sand - so warm and relaxed!
The cream is an alternative of the massage which you can do during a break in the programe of the anti-cellulite wraps. And using this cream is recommended in pair with the anti-cellulite wraps by GUAM but I haven't tried them yet. I just alternate Fangocrema and other cream by GUAM (I wrote about it in the blog yet).
I love it because I have to do nothing with this product - just put it on the skin and wait for absorbing. No massage, no efforts! But I have to note that the cream is not recommended for damaged, broken or irritation skin. Also it won't be good for delicate skin and skin with fragile capillaries. And you need to do test before using the product in all cases! Also you won't be able to use the cream if you are pregnant.
What about the result? It's super and lasting! The warmness is kept on the skin 10-15 minutes. The skin is really hot and RED in this period and it's normal - the producer warns about it on the web-site and on the sachet with the cream. Also I can feel tingling - in the beginning of cream's working process. I wait when the skin becomes calm again and then go to bed. In the morning I have got very soft, smooth and healthy skin. Any irritations or inflammations! And I have even noticed that the skin (especially on the belly) became tighter. I don't believe that only cosmetics can give this effect (the sport is also important) but I can see: Fangocrema by GUAM works very well! And I can feel that this effect is with me even in when I take a break and put on the skin other product.
I use the cream twice per a day - in the morning and in the evening. The next day I take a break. And when I put the product on the skin I don't do a massage - just cover the problem zones and wait a few minites. The cream absorbs quickly and it doesn't make any spots on the clothes.
The product has got a milky hue with a yellow undertone but on the skin it is invisible. The aroma is light and I even don't remember it when I don't use the cream. Here are the swatches:
And a few words about a composition. The cream doesn't contain parabenes and PEG, and it has been tested on the Nickel content.
Active ingredients: extract of sea weeds by GUAM, white clay, phytocomplex (extracts of ivy, Centella asiatica, horse chestnut, birch, caffeine, vitamine E, essential oil of lemon, xanthan gum, kelp extract, mallow extract, fucus extract, peanut butter, the wheat germ extract, methylnicotinate.
Fangocrema is the flame. The flame which fight with a cellulite effectively. And this is irreplaceable thing in winter. Wanna be warm? Use this cream by GUAM and this healing warmness will help you to be beautiful! I have got a few sachets yet and I think I'll finish them before the weather become really warm. It's exellent preparation for the summer, I think!
Which anti-celullite products and programs do you use now? Do you do something special before the summer goes? Have you tried this cream yet?
*Fangocrema has been given by GUAM for independent testing. You can find this product on the web-site of this brand and buy it in the shop in Kiev or in the online shop.