Review: GUAM MicroBio Cellulaire normalizing sebum cream for oily skin. It’s perfect, nothing more

How can I write about GUAM’s products? They are ideal. This is all. And MicroBio Cellulaire normalizing sebum cream for oily skin is also the best. What should I add in my review? Everything will be just an extra words. But of course I can’t stop on this point! I’ll tell you a lot about this product because it is worthy of attention. And… worthy of love!
I have got an incredibly oily skin (especially in T-zone) so I waited for this cream eagerly. The product promises a balanced care and reducing enlarged pores. Also it should normalized sebum and keep moisture balance of the oily or combination skin. Does it cope with these tasks well? Of course! This is GUAM so everything you read on the box of a product is true.
Which effect does the MicroBio Cellulaire normalizing sebum cream for oily skin gives me? It:
- Makes the skin very smooth, moistening well and healthy (this is especially important in winter, when I need a very reliable products which can help me to live without warmness. This cream is really the best!),
- Makes the skin not so oily – I can’t say that there is no oiliness at all but I see that the skin has become better and I don’t suffer from the extra sebum even in very hot rooms,
- Reduces enlarged pores – this is promise of the producer and I can say that I see the effect. Of course my pores still noticeable but they are not so deep.
The producer also says that the skin after this cream became visually better and gets a good complexion. I think this is true but I had had got this effect before I started to use this cream. And the previous one also was by GUAM so this is the GUAM usual effect!
This effect is possible because of the unique composition of the MicroBio Cellulaire normalizing sebum cream by GUAM. It contains the famous seaweed extract GUAM BioActivity and organic extracts of different plants. The full composition:
The cream has got a four times greater antioxidant effect than it was in previous Micro Cellulare series
The cream is lanoline, paraffin, mineral oil, synthetic dyes, SLS, SLES, PEG< parabens, ingredients of animals origin FREE. It’s been tested for nickel.
How do I use the the MicroBio Cellulaire normalizing sebum cream?
Actually this is usual daily cream BUT! I have noticed that it works perfectly in other situations! I use it as:
- a daily cream every day,
- a night cream – when I see that the skin needs very deep care (for instance when it has suffered from a frost or wind and needs good moistening and nourishment),
- an eye cream (!!!!) – it was an experiment when I discovered that my usual eye cream gave me only problems with the skin. I didn’t have a good replacement then so I just used this cream by GUAM and it treated my skin in one night!
The product is real helper! Its texture is quite thick but not heavy for the skin. The cream absorbs quickly and never makes the oily spots on my face.
Also I use the MicroBio Cellulaire normalizing sebum cream for oily skin when I need a good treatment. For instance if I used failed facial mask or other product and got problems with skin after them I treat my skin with this cream by GUAM (the beautyblogger’s life is reach in dangers, you know!). The skin becomes perfect very quickly after it! The creams treats small inflammations and makes the skin smooth and soft.
I think this product is a very good choice for oily skin. And I want to repeat it next winter but in summer I'll use other cream by GUAM. I'm going to tell you about it very soon.
Have you already tried the MicroBio Cellulaire series by GUAM? Have you tried facial creams by this brand? Which ones is your fav?
I have written about the Microbiocellulaire series by GUAM yet: here was a review of the purifying cleansing gel MicroBio Cellulaire and here was a post about the whole series.
*MicroBio Cellulare normalizing sebum cream for oily skin has been given by GUAM for independent testing. You can find this product on the web-site of this brand and buy it in the shop in Kiev or in the online shop.